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Event Time
5:30 PM
Open Road | 1871 Fountain Drive, Suite 200, Reston, VA 20190
Join us to learn about the Longwood@Yellowstone National Park program, an immersion learning experience focused on challenging civic issues.
Event Time
5:30 PM
Rotunda 350.
Join Us in Saying "Thank You" to Our Scholarship Donors!
Event Time
10:00 AM
Maugans Alumni Center
Putting your college class ring on your finger for the first time is an important and symbolic moment, and Longwood's Ring Ceremony marks the occasion with the emotional richness it deserves.
Event Time
10:00 AM
Upchurch University Center, 1st Floor
The Brock Experiences are going to New Orleans!
Event Time
12:00 PM
Upchurch 307
Well-Being Clinics - Emotions
Event Time
4:00 PM
Stubbs Large Meeting Room
True happiness can come from designing a life that works for you and it’s never too late to design a life you love!
Event Time
4:30 PM
Wilson Chamber, Upchurch University Center
University Choir
Event Time
7:30 PM
Molnar Recital Hall