
As part of its distinctive academic mission, Longwood is a residential institution and strives to provide a variety of housing options for all full-time, undergraduate students who wish to live in University-managed housing.  As part of the Longwood experience, new first-year undergraduate students are required in their first three years to live in University-managed housing.

After completing their first three years at Longwood, undergraduate students are not required to live in University-managed housing. 

Those who choose not to live in University-managed housing must provide notification of their decision to live in housing outside the University and must provide the Registrar Office with an up-to-date local address.

The Off-Campus Housing Intent process is designed for students that wish to live outside University managed housing and sign a lease with a private landlord.  New first-year residential students that have resided in Longwood managed housing for at least 3 years (In most circumstances – a rising Senior) are eligible to submit the off-campus intent form.


The Off-Campus Housing Intent process is designed for students that wish to live outside University-managed housing and sign a lease with a private landlord.  New first-year residential students that have resided in Longwood managed housing for at least 3 years (In most circumstances – a rising Senior) are eligible to submit the off-campus intent form.

Students must submit the housing intent form during the designated notification process to be eligible to live outside University housing and sign a lease with a private landlord. 


  • Students are required to provide the Registrar office with an up-to-date local mailing address.
  • Students that submit the Off-Campus Intent form will receive a confirmation email from the RCL Office and are required to complete an online orientation regarding their rights and responsibilities as commuter students.


  • The Housing Intent Form will be available through the student housing gateway beginning January 22, 2024.
  • The form must be submitted by January 26, 2024 by 5 p.m.  
  • Students must enable pop-ups in their web browser. 

Exceptions to Residency Requirement 

Requests for exceptions may be approved for the following reasons:

  • Students who are twenty-three or older prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
  • Students who are married, with a verified marriage license.
  • Students who serve as legal guardians for a minor.
  • Students who live at a permanent address with parent(s), grandparent(s), or legal guardian(s), with a notarized letter verifying occupancy.
  • Rising Juniors who face a particular hardship or recognized necessity.


Students should provide a detailed explanation regarding the circumstances to which they are requesting an exception to the residency requirement. 


The Director of Housing will review these requests and respond to the student.  Students can expect to receive a response within one week of the submitted request.


Requests must be submitted between January 22 – January 26, 2024 through the student housing gateway.

  • Students must enable pop-ups in their web browser. 

Internship or Student Teaching

If a residential student is assigned to student teach, intern or participate in a practicum experience during the fall or spring semester at one of the eight local county schools listed below, he or she is expected to continue campus residency.  Any student that does not wish to continue to live in Longwood managed housing, should participate in the off-campus intent process.

  • Amelia
  • Appomattox
  • Buckingham
  • Charlotte
  • Cumberland
  • Lunenburg
  • Nottoway
  • Prince Edward

If academic placement is located outside these counties, mid-year release from the Longwood University residency contract is permitted. Enrolled students living at home with parent(s) or legal guardian(s) should not exceed the recommended eight local counties either. A written appeal must be submitted to Residential and Commuter Life for traveling distances that are greater than these listed counties or that extend 45 miles from campus. Approval or denial decisions will be provided in writing.

Commute from Home

Any current residential student wishing to live at home for the academic year with his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) within the 8 surrounding counties, must submit a notarized letter with the student and parent or legal guardian's signature. This letter can be submitted to the Residential and Commuter Life Office located in Eason G-13.

The 8 surrounding counties are listed below:

  • Amelia
  • Appomattox
  • Buckingham
  • Charlotte
  • Cumberland
  • Lunenburg
  • Nottoway
  • Prince Edward


Please email your questions or call (434) 395-2080.