Sunday, October 06, 2024 -
Sunday, October 06, 2024
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
At CSTAC Main Stage Theatre
We open our season with 12 Angry Jurors by Reginald Rose, adapted by Sherman L. Sergel, Directed by Jeffrey Todd Parrott, October 2-5 at 7pm and October 6 at 2pm in the CSTAC Main Stage Theatre
Perry Mason. Law and Order. A Few Good Men. We have been storytelling legal dramas since the first performance of The Eumenides by Aeschylus back in 458 BCE, in which the character Athena summoned twelve citizens to sit as a jury for the defendant Orestes in the murder of his mother. From then on, juries were solidified as a foundational aspect of both politics and theatre. Fast forward hundreds of years, when the story of “Twelve Angry Men” was first performed as a television play in 1954. It was such a big hit, it was adapted for the stage and the big screen within a matter of a few years. And although originally set in the 1950s, it is a timeless piece of American theatre, worthy of being told over and over again, and through modern contexts. Determining truth can be difficult, especially with the caveat of reasonable doubt. Concepts of nuance, complexity, and contradiction are sometimes lost in our modern world of quick fixes and fast answers. That is why this story and others like it get told so often. We must weigh the paradoxes of our world. The charge of “A jury of one’s peers”. What does that phrase really mean? And what responsibilities come with it? What will your verdict be?