× Redoubt Syllabi Policies Guides Vita History Dept

History of Islamic Civilizations

HIST 338 (Spring 2023)



In the year 610, according to the Christian calendar, one of the more momentous events in Western Civilization's history took place. In an isolated cave outside of Mecca, a city of the Arabian peninsula that few Europeans had reason to know existed, a caravan trader by the name of Muhammad began receiving visits from an entity he knew as the archangel Gabriel. This visitor had a new revelation from God, he said, and Muhammad was to be the new prophet. Moreover, he was to be God’s final prophet.

Since that moment, the message given to Muhammad and spread by his converts hasencompassed not simply the Middle East, but large regions of Africa, parts of the Indian subcontinent, most of the Indonesian archipelago, central Asia, and is currently spreading through immigration and conversion in Europe and the Americas.

The purpose of our course is to examine this expression of the monotheistic tradition, to understand Islam as best we can on its own terms, to acquaint ourselves with what it means (and does not mean) to be a Muslim. We will examine the historical progression of Islam’s ascendancy, its later decline, and subsequent efforts to recover its original initiative. Alongside the historical component, the course will also provide as much cultural exposure as is feasible in southside Virginia. Thus, we will read the Qur’an quite regularly, watch films approved by religious authorities (plus some that skate on thin ice),  and seek to understand popular conceptions of Islam by ordinary Muslims. In addition, we will visit a mosque in the region.

This Course and Mother Nature

Before we turn to the normal nitty-gritty of a Longwood history course, we must talk about our ongoing adversaries: namely, various viruses and the earth's stormy temper. Weather delays and cancellations are easy enough to sort out; pay attention to Longwood announcements, and following them, I'll post workarounds on the syllabus and Canvas.

As for COVID and monkeypox (and polio, really?!?) and their ilk, we are in an ever-changing recipe of science, politics, and basic human decency. This course will run in accordance with the latest Longwood policies, such policies themselves being in line with the latest, best safeguards outlined by the CDC and VDH. While masks and vaccines are no longer required on campus or in classrooms, scientific counsel still points to them as the best safeguards. If you contract Covid-19, Longwood policy does require, per the state and national guidelines, that you isolate for at least 5 days. You should also contact the university (careteam@longwood.edu) to ensure that your professors are correctly informed as to your circumstances.

For students who have to isolate or quarantine, I will offer the opportunity to continue participating in class via Zoom. This option is only for students at risk of missing several days of class, and it must be arranged in advance of the upcoming classes. For the occasional illness, this is not an option. It is most assuredly not an option for students wanting easier travel plans, to sleep in, or similar choices. Thus, most of the time, Zoom will not be on; when it is, I will not ignore those folks online, but my primary attention will be on those in the classroom.

Grading and Assignments

Readings:  There is an abundance of reading ahead, but a steady pace will keep your head afloat. Please take this counsel to heart, and do not skip assignments. Doing so will eventually catch up with you in unpleasant ways. In addition, do not put the reading off until the last moment; much of the material will be complex and wholly foreign, and you will need time to digest it properly.  Allow sufficient time to absorb what you’re reading. Some of the readings will overlap a bit; trust me: the repetition will only help you. And when this does occur, you then have the opportunity to explore the nuances of interpretation and to appreciate the multiple voices of Islam.

Qur’an Journal:  Over the next fifteen weeks, we will immerse ourselves in the Qur‘an. There are readings for each class period; sometimes they will dovetail with the day’s material, and other times, they will apply to much larger issues. On the days stipulated below in the schedule, you will need to submit by 5:30pm (via Canvas™) a journal entry about these readings. In this brief response, you can trace your own reactions to the material you’ve read, relate the verses to historical contexts or modern events, or something else clever. Your primary objectives herein are to demonstrate 1) that you’re reading what is assigned, and 2) you’re thinking about this very material in a substantial manner. (16% of course grade)

Mosque Visit:  One of the highlights of this class is a mandatory visit to Friday jumaa (prayer).  The professor and the local imam are consulting over how to resume this component. If an on-site visit still seems risky, an alternate (virtual) visit will be crafted in its place. Either way, there will be a journal expected, wherein students will process their experience of the service. (10%)

Exams:  How else shall we “make manifest that which is locked up in human breasts?” (S.100:10) This course has three major exams, listed below on the schedule. These exams will have a variety of components: essay, short answer, and objective questions. (16, 19, and 21% of course grade)

Collaborative Work:  Using Canvas™, we will have an open discussion forum available throughout the semester.  This will be your chance to ask questions of both one another and of the professor.  This discussion board is optional and here to assist.
In addition, we will have a focused discussion assignment. For this discussion board, you will be expected to make two contributions regarding themes and issues in the novel Just Like a River. (6% of course grade)
A third collaborative project will take us into the world of Middle Eastern cinema. I will divide the class into 6 groups, each then assigned to watch a particular movie. The group will then create a written report for the professor, and a small presentation to their peers. (6%)

Participation:   The instructor will assess your overall participation in the course as well. This category can include things like attendance, academic courtesy, diligence in completing assignments, and perhaps still other intangibles. Certainly, it involves being active in class discussions, being ready to ask questions, and showing an overall and genuine curiosity in the course topics. (6% of course grade)

Lecture and Reading Schedule

We have four required texts, plus a number of on-line readings, for this course. Be sure you have:

Come to class having already digested the day’s reading. This preparation on your part helps lectures move along that much faster and thereby give us more opportunity for fruitful discussions. Recall, as well, that it is a standard, minimum expectation for university education that students will spend “2 hours outside of class working and studying for every 1 hour spent in class,” as Longwood itself stipulates. Our readings here have been designed accordingly.



Readings and Assignments


12 Jan Introduction to Course; Arabia Before Islam
  • Go over syllabus
  • Aslan, xii-xxviii
  • Ansary, xi-xxii
  • S.1 (& p.13)
    17 Jan Early Career of the Prophet; Start The Message
  • Ansary, 1–15
  • Aslan, 3–22
  • S.96-98
    18 Jan   Qu‘ran Journal #1 Due S.85-87
    19 Jan The Message
  • Aslan, 23–42
  • Ansary, 17–26ish
  • S. 71-73, 75 and 78
    24 Jan The Message (Concluding Discussion)
  • Aslan, 43–66
  • Ansary, 26ish–31
  • S.53
    25 Jan   Qu‘ran Journal #2 Due S.2:168-242
    26 Jan Caliphate I: Expansion of Dar al-Islam
  • Aslan, 109–126
  • Ansary, 33–52
  • S.56: 57-96
    31 Jan Caliphate II: Issues & Personalities Aslan, 127–141
    Ansary, 53–66
    1 Feb   Qu‘ran Journal #3 Due S.2:1-121
    2 Feb Shi‘ism
  • Aslan, 174–191
  • S.59-61
    7 Feb Umayyad Decline/‘Abassid Rise
  • Aslan, 75-92
  • Ansary, 67–89
  • S.4:1-42
    8 Feb Qu‘ran Journal #4 Due S.2:243-283
    9 Feb
  • Origins of Shari‘a
  • Development of the Madhabs
  • Aslan, 142–173
  • Ansary, 91-99
  • A Selection of Hadith
  • S. 19
    14 Feb The Golden Age
  • Ansary, 99-106
  • "The Lady and her Five Suitors"
  • Gaston Weit, “Baghdad: Metropolis...”
    16 Feb Fractures/Stresses/Opportunities
    (Seljuks and Sufis)
  • Aslan, 199–224
  • Jalal ad-Din Rumi: “One Whisper of the Beloved”
  • Khayyam: “The Wisdom of the Supreme” & “In Praise of Wine”
  • Ansary, 106-129ish
    21 Feb FIRST EXAM    
    23 Feb Crusades
  • Ansary, 129ish–149
  • S.3:64-180
    28 Feb Mongols & Mamluks
  • Ansary, 150-168
  • “Baghdad under the ‘Abbasids”
  • The Il-Khan Mongols
  • S.5:109-120; S. 20
    1 Mar   Qur'an Journal #5 Due S.4:71-152
    2 Mar Gunpowder Empires: Ottoman Rise
  • Ansary, 168-183
  • Janissaries
  • S.4:153-176
    6-10 Mar SPRING BREAK    
    14 Mar Gunpowder Empires: Safavid Persia and Mughal India Ansary, 183-198
    16 Mar Changing Tides: the Ottomans vs. Europe Ansary, 217–241 S.31
    21 Mar
  • Colonialism I: European Penetrations
  • Colonialism II: ‘Ali and Egypt
  • Ansary, 241–246
  • Aslan, 225–240
  • S.8:1-75
    23 Mar Ottoman Efforts to Reform/Revitalize/Resist... (the Spiritual and Secular paths)
  • Ansary, 247–268; 285–293
  • S.11:1-95
    28 Mar World War One
  • Ansary, 293-299
  • S.12
    30 Mar SECOND EXAM   S.81 and 82
    4 Apr States, Mandates, and Alternative Hopes
  • Aslan, 240–254
  • Ansary, 301–316
  • S.17:1-40
    S.18: 1-22, 60-101
    5 Apr   Qu‘ran Journal #6 Due  
    6 Apr Palestine: Promises/Problems
  • MERIP’s Primer on the Conflict (also in Canvas)
    11 Apr Post-War Frustrations (Nation-State letdown)
  • Ansary, 317–333
  • Start Just Like a River

  • 13 Apr Case Studies: Egypt
  • Excerpt from Khul-Khaal (in Canvas)
  • 18 Apr Symposium for Common Good
    (No scheduled class)
    Finish Just Like a River  
    20 Apr Case Studies: Iran (I)
  • Aslan, 191–198
  • Ansary, 333–344
    25 Apr Case Studies: Iran (II)
    Aslan, 255–277  
    27 Apr Islam and the West: Interpenetrations Aslan, 278–292  
    28 Apr   Mosque Journal Due  
        Film Reviews Due  

    Academic Honesty

    Sadly, every year a few students attempt to submit work which is not their own. This act is, of course, the crime of plagiarism. Do not test your luck in this arena. The eventual odds are against you, and the penalties are unpleasant. Any student who submits plagiarized work will automatically fail the entire course. Previous students have found that I do not negotiate this point. If you're not sure what constitutes academic dishonesty, consult the student handbook, ask your instructors, or see my links to the problem. For the technologically adventuresome, the use of AI programs to generate erstwhile text falls 100% under these same categories and penalties.

    All other forms of cheating will be penalized to the fullest extent of university policies.

    Contacting the Instructor

    Dr. Steven Isaac
    Office: Ruffner 226A
    Office Phone: 395-2225
    Office Hours: MW (and most Fs), 11:00am–noon; TR, 12:30–1:30pm

    Web Resources/Links

    This is hardly a comprehensive list below of all the available sites, but over the years I have found these folks typically to be the most helpful and consistently correct.

    Movies to consider...

    Official Verbiage

    Catalog Description
    HIST 338. 3 credits. This course surveys Islamic culture, from its origins in Arabia to its present role in the world today, including its diffusion to new regions such as Europe and North America. Attention will focus on the interplay of theological assumptions, social pressures, and cultural trends.

    Note for History Majors
    Satisfactory completion (earning a C- or better) of this course and completing each of its requirements is required of all history majors in order to graduate.

    Further University Resources
    Students are reminded that Longwood offers numerous resources to assist you in having a successful college experience. Besides the Academic Success Center, the university has created offices and policies to maximize and safeguard your education. Links and further information about Accommodations and Disability Resources, Mental Health Resources, as well as the Reporting of Crimes and Sexual Misconduct are available via the Office of Academic Affairs.