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History of Medieval Europe

HIST 351 : Fall 2018

Coursework  Assignment Schedule  Contact Info  General Policies



Welcome to the Middle Ages, a period which will cover for our purposes some ten or more centuries in lands as far apart (and yet connected) as Baghdad and the British Isles, Spain and Scandinavia. Although it often appears quite alien to the twenty-first century, the medieval period was the incubator for much in our own contemporary society—not least of which is the very idea of getting a university education. Throughout this entire period, trial and error produced a cultural synthesis of three rather divergent streams: Roman, Christian, and Germanic. Nor were these elements mixing together in a vacuum; cultures distant in both time and geography influenced European affairs—at a minimum as some Other that Europe shied away from but more often as an intriguing option to explore or exploit as it suited Europeans. Thus Christendom, for better or worse, was forged. Although much of contemporary culture endeavors to distance itself from Christian antecedents, it was the cultivation and rejection of medieval forms and values that generated the succeeding cultures. We (and I emphasize your part here) are going to look at both of these, the survivors and the losers, in all arenas: cultural, political, artistic, theological, economic, military, and not least at all, the personal. This class is going to ask you to read some, write a bit, and think a great deal. As the breakdown further below indicates, you will have a variety of fora in which to showcase your understanding of the Middle Ages.

One basic goal of this course, an in-depth analysis of c.1000 years of history in fifteen weeks, is rather obviously an impossibility. Our solution to this problem will be, in the first portion of the course, to set up the foundational elements of the Middle Ages, to appreciate the structures and mentalities that informed a great many medieval persons and phenomena. In the latter part of the course, we will rely on this foundational material to then dive deeply into several different aspects of the High Middle Ages, especially what some have called “the Long Twelfth Century”. We will do this via several first-class monographs by leading scholars and via the very words of medieval folk themselves in some exemplary primary sources.

This Course and Mother Nature

Before we turn to the normal nitty-gritty of HIST 150-1, we must talk about our ongoing adversaries: namely, various viruses and the earth's stormy temper. Weather delays and cancellations are easy enough to sort out; pay attention to Longwood announcements, and following them, I'll post workarounds on the syllabus and Canvas.

As for COVID and monkeypox (and polio, really?!?) and their ilk, we are in an ever-changing recipe of science, politics, and basic human decency. This course will run in accordance with the latest Longwood policies, such policies themselves being in line with the latest, best safeguards outlined by the CDC and VDH. While masks and vaccines are no longer required on campus or in classrooms, scientific counsel still points to them as the best safeguards. If you contract Covid-19, Longwood policy does require, per the state and national guidelines, that you isolate for at least 5 days. You should also contact the university (careteam@longwood.edu) to ensure that your professors are correctly informed as to your circumstances.

For students who have to isolate or quarantine, I will offer the opportunity to continue participating in class via Zoom. This option is only for students at risk of missing several days of class, and it must be arranged in advance of the upcoming classes. For the occasional illness, this is not an option. It is most assuredly not an option for students wanting easier travel plans, to sleep in, or similar choices. Thus, most of the time, Zoom will not be on; when it is, I will not ignore those folks online, but my primary attention will be on those in the classroom.

Course Goals

The goals (or should I say fruits?) of a history course are as numerous as the books which historians produce. Some have already been hinted at above. At the broadest level, though, historical study encourages and hones critical analysis of the questions which most concern us. And these issues are themselves countless, but in the most generic terms, they mostly center on the relations of people with one another, with themselves, and possibly with the supernatural. We will be asking “why?” rather a lot: Why did they think that? Why did they assume such a thing? Why does the past appear simultaneously alien and similar? Even as we ask these questions, others lie implicitly underneath: why do I think what I think? What are my prejudices and assumptions? How does my heritage sway my conclusions?

Grading & Assignments

Exams: The exact format has yet to be determined, but you can be sure they’ll kick like a mule. The first will be worth 14% of the course grade; the second, 16%; and the final, 20%. (Sounds of cheering...)

Quizzes: There will be an indeterminate number of pop quizzes throughout the semester so as to confirm that students are staying on track with the reading assignments. You can expect an indeterminate number of five-minute quizzes, chock-full of multiple-choice / true-false / fill in the blank types of questions. (Overall: 10% of course grade)

Paper: Ten pages, double-spaced, in the Chicago/Turabian style of citation, based heavily on primary sources, and full of original analysis. The preliminary assignments (i.e., the proposal, the bibliography, etc.) are not optional, and they will be graded. See the "New Decalogue" in Canvas™ for further guidelines. (Piece of cake...and a mere 25% of the course grade!)

Note: there will be a low threshold of tolerance for grammatical errors and all other transgressions which a simple proofreading should catch. Remove these yourself so I won’t have to remove hard-earned points. Remember, the spell-checker is not your friend! For further guidance, consult the menu options under General Policies and the writing guides. In short, stay well away from the Homonym Death List and the Pet Peeves.

Opportunity: Next semester (Spring 2023), Longwood will host its 14th Annual Undergraduate Medieval Research conference. Some of you may wish to participate. If so, you will be in competition with other students from Virginia, the Carolinas, the DC Metro area, and even further afield, so your commitment must be a worthwhile one. Although not all applicants may actually be presenters, anyone wishing to pursue this option will benefit from a “bump” to their participation grade. To qualify for this, you must declare your intention to write for the conference, as well as schedule a number of supplemental meetings with the professor to ensure your research is heading in the right direction and attaining the right plateaus of excellence.

Participation: Students must be ready to participate in classroom discussions, especially during the latter portions of each class period when we will be bringing our readings under close scrutiny. Students should assume, for purposes of assessment, that they start with nothing in this category and are working their way to some cumulative grade. In addition, the performance on quizzes will influence this grade as well, since they indicate your commitment to doing the necessary readings. (15%) Extra, extra opportunity: One of the great medieval conferences, the Haskins Society, will be co-hosted at the University of Richmond by UR and Longwood, 28-30 October. Students who wish to attend can do so freely, and will also see a bump thereby in their participation grade.

And the Rest...Be certain to read my “General Policies” page as well for further information on how your performance in the course will be assessed.

Lecture & Reading Schedule

Reading assignments are to be done before you come to class. The plan is that each class will proceed in two discrete parts: roughly 2/3 as presentation of material by the professor, sometimes linked/sometimes not to the day's assigned readings. The remaining third will focus directly via discussion on the days's reading. Yes, there is a lot of reading to do. Welcome to History at Longwood. Give yourself plenty of time to do the reading, not just pass your eyes over the pages. Among your professor's many delusions is the unassailable expectation that you will consider and comprehend what you're reading. And when the latter doesn't arrive, that you'll try again.

If your professor comes to believe that the class is not taking this task seriously, pop quizzes will begin to rain down...

Date Topic Reading Assignment
23 Aug Introduction to course
Opening Discussion
♦ Become familiar with this syllabus & the course’s general policies
Read Excerpt from Cantor
25 Aug Late Antiquity / Forms of History ♦Collins: 16-30, 47-60
♦ Rosenthal excerpt, 1-8 (Canvas)
30 Aug Rise of Christianity Collins: 61-78
1 Sept Political/Military/Spiritual Breakdowns ♦Collins: 79-98
6 Sept ♦ Heirs of Rome: Western Kingdoms
♦ Paper Topic Proposal Due
Collins: 99-113, 160–72
8 Sept Asceticism: Martyrs, Saints, & Monasticism
13 Sept Heirs of Rome: Byzantium Collins: 114-141
15 Sept Heirs of Rome: Islam Collins: 141–150, 220–30
20 Sept Forms of Justice ♦ Ho, “The Legitimacy of Medieval Proof
22 Sept The Carolingian Moment Collins: 280–314
27 Sept First Exam  
29 Sept Carolingian Fade / Viking Horizons Collins: 340–70
4 Oct ♦ Encastellation...
♦ Paper Bibliography Due
11 Oct Feudal Society

♦ Feudal Agreement: at the Internet Medieval Sourcebook or alternately at Paul Hyam's pages at Cornell
Stephen Lane’s review of Fiefs and Vassals
Charter of Homage & Fealty
13 Oct Cluniac Monasticism / Gregorian Reform ♦ Excerpt : “The Age of Cluny
Foundation Charter of Cluny
18 Oct Ottonian Recovery / Investiture Conflict ♦ Timothy Reuter on the Reichskirchensystem
20 Oct More Investiture... / Norman Expansionism Graham Loud on Norman Italy
25 Oct The First Crusade TBA
27 Oct Second Exam  
1 Nov Capetians & Anglo-Normans Galbert: Introduction (xvii-xx, xxx-xlv)
3 Nov Capetians & Plantagenets Galbert: 2-45
8 Nov Urban Renewal Galbert: 45-93
10 Nov Renaissance of the Twelfth Century
Galbert: 93-158
15 Nov   Galbert: 158-190
17 Nov Cistercian Ideals vs. Scholasticism’s Nouvelle Vague Abelard & Heloise: The Calamities, 1–46
22 Nov Marriage and Chivalry: Politics as Usual? Abelard & Heloise: 49–85
29 Nov ♦ Later Crusades
♦ Paper Due by 5pm
  • Saladin's Capture of Jerusalem
  • The Sack of Constantinople (I.M.S. sections IV and V)
  • 1 Dec The Papal Monarchy TBA
      Final Exam  

    Academic Honesty

    Sadly, every year a few students attempt to submit work which is not their own. This act is, of course, the crime of plagiarism. Do not test your luck in this arena. The eventual odds are against you, and the penalties are unpleasant. Any student who submits plagiarized work will automatically fail the entire course. Previous students have found that I do not negotiate this point. If you're not sure what constitutes academic dishonesty, consult the student handbook, ask your instructors, or see my links to the problem.

    All other forms of cheating will be penalized to the fullest extent of university policies.

    Contacting Dr. Isaac