Tuesday, February 15, 2022 -
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
2:37 PM - 2:38 PM
At Zoom
While at UNLV, Dr. Mary-Ann Winkelmes wanted to develop a straightforward method for helping students improve academic outcomes in her courses. The result was TILT. Dr. Winkelmes’ approach to assignment design is a small change that has large, positive effects for student persistence and sense of belonging, particularly in students from underrepresented groups. This semester, CAFE is offering three 50-minute mini-workshops aimed helping faculty rework their assignments to be as clear and instructive as possible. Click here to register for any/all session(s) that you find interesting.
Feb. 15th session: Designing your Assignment. In this session, we’ll put TILT into action! First, we’ll examine sample assignments and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. We’ll then apply that analytic approach to work on our own assignments.