Many Game of Thrones fans know what a student of history author George R.R. Martin is: Many of the plot’s themes have echoes in the War of the Roses and other historic events.
The Longwood University Nursing Department will soon begin research on a critically underserved population, according to the study’s backer: care for dementia patients.
Studying abroad can be that defining moment in your education that will change your life… in more ways than one. Here are just a few of those study abroad experiences you may not anticipate.
U.S. Sen. Mark Warner urged graduates at Longwood University’s commencement ceremony May 10 to practice civility in public discourse—and to call their mothers.
Mayor-elect David Whitus ’83 is the first Longwood graduate to be elected to lead Farmville.
WMLU 91.3 FM, the award-winning, student-run campus radio station of Longwood University, will temporarily suspend broadcasts beginning the week of May 19 as the station physically relocates to new studio facilities.
Longwood University’s Speech, Hearing and Learning Services (SHLS) will offer free hearing and speech-language screenings Wednesday, May 21, from 8-10 a.m., 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.
At Prince Edward County Elementary School (PECES), discipline referrals are down 21 percent, and students have been energized with several new programs, including a daily TV news operation.
The first class of doctoral students to earn their degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University through classes taught by Longwood University professors will graduate May 10.
We’ve noticed a trend. Students like telling the world how great Longwood University is. To that point, here are just a few of our favorite “only @longwoodu” posts on Twitter and Instagram.