Inspired by the locks that line bridges in the French capital city, Longwood seniors this year were invited to create their own "legacy locks" to be displayed on Beale Plaza—a new Longwood tradition.
The scritch-scratch of shovels and picks may have been replaced by intermittent beeps of radar devices, but this archaeological dig is in search of one of the earliest English settlements in the New World.
The weather is warmer, and the kids are getting restless. Ask any parent or teacher, and she’ll tell you the last month of the school year is one of the hardest times to get students to focus on their studies.
This summer, the work will really begin.It has been a little more than a month since Chief Curtis Davis took over for longtime Farmville Police Chief Doug Mooney, but already the ideas are spilling over.
Statistics are everywhere–and they’re increasingly used to drive decisions around the globe.
Every four years, presidential candidates present their cases to the American public though presidential debates. Initially relegated to television studios, these debates began to be held at colleges and universities in 1976.
Longwood University junior Monica Vroomen will study at the University of Oxford this summer in a highly selective fellowship sponsored by the English-Speaking Union of the United States (ESU).
When the Boston Red Sox broke its nearly century-long losing streak and won its first World Series in 2004, many people think the team had one man to thank: Bill James.
For much of his 31-year Longwood University career, Dr. Wayne McWee has grappled with executive-level details of academic administration.
There is gravely difficult news to share. As you may have begun to hear through news reports, police have identified remains found in Southampton County as those of our missing student, Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell.