Handshake has a wide variety of jobs and internships for students in every major. The positions listed on this page are just a fraction of the opportunities available. We’ve done our best to filter current listings by major, but if you don’t see something that interests you below, log in to Handshake to search and sort the positions available or contact us at career@longwood.edu.

About Handshake

Jobs by major

Accounting Accounting, Financial, Audit

Anthropology & Archaeology Community, Natural Resources, Culture

Art Art, Art History

Athletic Training Occupational Therapy, Exercise, Sports

Biology Research, Lab, Biology, Pharmaceutical





Chemistry Chemistry, Technician, Pharmaceutical, Toxicology

Communication Studies - Digital Media Social Media, Digital, Reporting, Media Production

Communication Studies - Public Relations Media Management, Campaigns, Event Planning, Public Relations

Computer Science Computer Science, Programming Language, Data Analyst, Software Developer

Computer Science

Programming Language

Data Analyst

Software Developer

Counseling - College Counseling & Student Affairs Student Affairs

Counseling - Mental Health LPC , Mental Health Counselor, Mental Health, Case Manager


Mental Health Counselor

Mental Health

Case Manager

Counseling - School Counseling Guidance Counselor, School Counselor

Criminology and Criminal Justice Officer, Criminal Justice, Police, Law Enforcement


Criminal Justice


Law Enforcement

Economics Developer, Banking, Analyst

Education Elementary, Middle School, High School

Educational Leadership Administrator, Principal

English Media, Content, Writer, Copywriter

Environmental Sciences Environmental, Field, EPA, Land

Finance Financial, Analyst, Investment

French French

German German

Graphic and Animation Design Graphic Design, Design, Adobe

Health & Physical Education Community Health

History Policy, Court, Research

Information Systems and Cyber Security Cyber, Security, Information Technology

Kinesiology Physiology, Physical Rehabilitation, Speech Therapist

Management Consultant, Management, Human Resources

Marketing Marketing Management, Market Research, Marketing

Mathematics Financial Analyst, Audit, Finance

MBA General and Real Estate

Music Music

Nursing RN, Registered Nurse, New Graduate Nurse, Certified Nurse Assistant


Registered Nurse

New Graduate Nurse

Certified Nurse Assistant

Physics Physics, Programming, Laboratory Technician

Political Science Policy, Court, Law, Politics





Psychology Clinical Research, Community, Mentor, Human Resources

Clinical Research



Human Resources

Reading, Literacy & Learning ESL Teacher

Real Estate Real Estate, Invest

School Librarianship Library, Library Media

Social Work Case Manager, Social Work, Welfare

Sociology Case Manager, Family Services

Spanish Bilingual Spanish, Spanish

Special Education Special Education Teacher

Speech Language Pathology Speech-Language Pathologist, Audiology, Speech Therapist

Theatre Drama, Performing, Stage

Therapeutic Recreation Recreation, Activity, Physical Therapy, Park and Recreation, Leader



Physical Therapy

Park and Recreation


Internships by major

Accounting Accounting, Financial, Audit

Anthropology & Archaeology Community, Museum, Culture




Art Art, Art History

Athletic Training Exercise, Sports

Biology Research, Lab, Biology, Pharmaceutical

Chemistry Chemistry, Technician, Pharmaceutical, Toxicology

Communication Studies - Digital Media Social Media, Digital, Reporting, Media Production

Social Media



Media Production

Communication Studies - Public Relations Media Management, Campaigns, Event Planning, Public Relations

Media Management


Event Planning

Public Relations

Computer Science Computer Science, Programming Language, Data Analyst, Software Developer

Computer Science

Programming Language

Data Analyst

Software Developer

Counseling - Mental Health Mental Health

Criminology and Criminal Justice Officer, Law Enforcement

Economics Developer, Banking, Analyst

English Media, Content, Writer

Environmental Sciences Environmental, Field, EPA

Finance Financial, Analyst, Investment

French French

German German

Graphic and Animation Design Graphic Design, Design, Adobe

Health & Physical Education Community Health

History Policy, Court, Public History, Research

Information Systems and Cyber Security Cyber, Security, Information Technology

Kinesiology Physiology, Speech Therapist

Management Consultant, Management, Human Resources

Marketing Marketing Management, Market Research, Marketing

Mathematics Audit, Finance

Music Music

Nursing Nurse

Physics Physics, Programming

Political Science Policy, Court, Law, Politics

Psychology Clinical Research, Community, Mentor, Human Resources

Clinical Research



Human Resources

Real Estate Invest

Social Work Social Work

Sociology Case Manager, Family Services

Spanish Bilingual Spanish, Spanish

Speech Language Pathology Clinical Fellow

Theatre Drama, Performing

Therapeutic Recreation Recreation