The following information will assist you in selecting appropriate courses at the two-year institution. Please also refer to the Longwood Catalog.
To graduate from Longwood, you must complete the following:
Students seeking to be licensed to teach should use the link below to download the advising sheets for each education concentration. These sheets will help you choose classes at the community college that will apply to your desired degree.
Recommended Courses for Transfer Students
Please see our University Catalogs and Transfer Equivalency System to help you select appropriate courses from your institution or to determine how courses you have already taken will transfer.
Recommended courses that transfer and are appropriate for most majors include:
- Freshman English I (3 credits)
- General Biology, Chemistry or Physics (4 or 8 credits)
- Western Civilization I or II (3 credits)
- World, British or American Literature I (3 credits)
- General Psychology, Sociology or American Government (3 or 6 credits)
- Mathematics -- College Algebra, Functions and Graphs or Statistics (3 or 6 credits)
- Physical Education (2 credits)
- Foreign Language at the intermediate level (202) if you are pursuing a BA degree; 201 if you are pursuing a BS degree.