Virginia Lessons From Abroad
Virginia Lessons From Abroad

The fourth annual Virginia Lessons From Abroad Study Abroad Returnee Conference, will be held at Longwood University in Farmville, VA.
Lessons From Abroad has been hosting returnee conferences since 2008 across the U.S. and has assisted more than 3,000 students in their adjustment to life stateside.

Date:  Saturday, February 3, 2018
Time:  9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Longwood University; Farmville, VA (in and around Blackwell)

The objectives of the conference are to offer study abroad returnees the opportunity to:

  • Reflect on their recent international experiences
  • Connect with other study abroad alumni
  • Network with professionals from international organizations
  • Gain important skills for continual learning and application in their future career and academic paths

The Office of International Affairs is pleased to announce that the keynote speaker will be Mark Jacobs, a prolific short story writer and novelist who is also a Foreign Service and Peace Corps alumnus with experience in many international locations, including Turkey, Paraguay, and other parts of Latin America and Europe. Dr. Jacobs holds degrees from Drew University, the School for International Training, and Alma College.

Other conference highlights include a lunch panel focused on global citizenship, networking and opportunities fairs with internationally focused organizations (including the Department of State and Peace Corps), as well as panel discussions and workshops on resume-building, graduate schools, career and volunteer opportunities, job interviewing, and more. This is a great opportunity for students to network, and we ask that they dress business casual and bring several copies of their resumes.

Registration Fee: Thanks to a generous grant from the Longwood Parents Council, we are able to offer study abroad alumni a Longwood Lessons from Abroad Conference Award, which covers the registration fee.