College life prompts a lot of questions about serious topics, including physical health. We took the opportunity to address head-on some of the most common questions we hear with the help of the people at Longwood who work most closely with these issues.

Below we talk about health services with Dr. Rob Wade, a veteran physician who directs the Longwood University Health Center, located at Midtown Landings.

Rob Wade Bio

Dr. Rob Wade, D.O.

  • Medical Director, University Health Center
  • Previous Experience: Lead physician at Centra Medical Group - Farmville
  • Education:
    • B.S. in biology with honors, Hampden-Sydney College
    • D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Fellow, American Academy of Family Physicians

Where is the Longwood Health Center located?

We are located directly across Main Street from central campus at Midtown Landings, across from Subway and Sweet Frog's.

Are you a “real” doctor’s office?

Yes. We offer everything that a primary care office provides, with one or two exceptions. We treat common health problems like sore throats, colds, infections, rashes, cuts and minor burns, allergy symptoms—anything students would normally go to an urgent care clinic for. We have the capability to perform EKGs and spirometry for pulmonary function testing, as well as nebulizer treatments and minor outpatient surgical procedures.

One thing we don’t offer is X-rays, though we typically give students a walk-in order for Centra Southside Hospital, and we can look at the film immediately after.

Who is on the staff?

We have three primary-care providers. I am the doctor on staff and there are two experienced nurse practitioners, Jeanne Strunk and Harriet Vincent.

In addition, starting in September 2019, we will have a psychiatric nurse practitioner, Dr. Marshal Wigfall, available two days a month to provide in-depth psychiatric care and medication monitoring.

How long does it take to get an appointment?

We do our very best to see students the same day they call for an appointment. We accept walk-ins but encourage students to schedule an appointment so we can decrease wait times. You can make an appointment by phone (434-395-2102) or by email (

If I have urgent medical or emotional problems, can I get treated at the Health Center?

If somebody walks in and needs urgent medical help, we certainly do our best to get them worked in and seen that day. If they are really seriously ill, we will get them triaged and begin treatment—and refer them to the emergency department as needed. Centra Southside Community Hospital is just two blocks from campus and has an emergency room.

For someone experiencing urgent emotional problems, we work with them to set up an appointment with the psychologist at CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) to provide the help they need. With a student’s permission, we can then work with that student and CAPS if they feel like the student could benefit from medication.

I take daily medication to manage my ADD/ADHD. Can you write me a prescription?

We only write prescriptions for controlled substances used to treat ADD and ADHD once we’ve gotten documentation that a student has had testing within the three years prior to their coming into the office. If they’ve not had testing, we can’t write that prescription. However, CAPS is available to do that testing on campus, and we can coordinate that.

If I’m on medicine for a chronic condition other than ADD/ADHD, such as diabetes, can you manage that prescription?

We certainly can. If we identify a student who needs management of a chronic condition or someone who can help follow them more closely, then they will typically be put on my schedule to manage.

What about anti-depressants?

Yes, we can manage those prescriptions, too. If a student has a good working relationship with their primary care physician or psychiatrist, we prefer that relationship be maintained. We are here to help with care and bridge any gaps students may experience in getting back and forth to their primary care provider.

Do you give flu shots to students?

Yes. We submit that to insurance, and most insurance covers the flu vaccine. If a student has insurance that doesn’t cover their flu shot or doesn’t have insurance, then there is a $20 charge, which is a significantly lower fee than other places.

How closely do you work with the local hospital?

Very closely. We have online portal access to Centra Southside’s records, so if we need to see a patient’s bloodwork or X-ray or any other information from the hospital, we can access it quickly.

Is the Student Health Center free?

Yes and no. Students do not pay a co-pay when they are seen at the health center, and, if there is no additional testing or equipment needed, they won’t be charged. But like any other doctor’s office or clinic, we will submit a claim to insurance for any testing done or equipment provided (crutches, splints, etc.) and the student may be billed for the balance.

Am I required to be immunized to be seen at the health center?

No, though all students by default are required to be immunized when enrolling at Longwood, unless a waiver is granted.

Can my professors or university administrators see my medical records? Can my parents see my medical records?

No. No one has access to your medical file without written authorization from you, and all visits to the health center are strictly confidential.

Do you offer after-hours care?

The health center isn’t open after hours, but there is an on-call nurse advice line students can call about whatever issue they are having, and that nurse will advise them on the correct course of action. Every morning, we get a report of calls to that line, and we then call the student to either check up on them or schedule an appointment for that day.

Can I be treated for gynecological issues?

Yes. We do pelvic exams, annual physicals, pap smears, initial workups for menstrual irregularities and other gynecological issues, and refer when appropriate.

Do you offer any other specializations?

I am an osteopath, so I can do manipulation of muscles and bones. I will see athletes or other students if they are having neck or back problems, and go ahead and do their adjustments and manipulations here.

At home my doctor is a woman. Can I be seen by a woman?

Yes, we have two female nurse practitioners.

Do I call the Health Center in an emergency?

In an emergency, always call 911. If someone comes into the health center with an emergency, they are taken to the ER just a few blocks away at Centra Southside Hospital.

Contact Information

You can make an appointment either in person (directly across Main Street from central campus at Midtown Landings, across from Subway and Sweet Frog's) by phone (434-395-2102) or by email (