Composer Biography

A brief presentation of the most essential information about each composer of the pieces to be performed.  Include birth and death dates, style period, country of origin (or country with which the composer is most often associated), summary of compositional output with mention of how the work performed fits into that body.  Student may wish to include the names of other important figures with which the composer is associated (poets, artists, arrangers, performers, the person who catalogued the composer’s works, etc).

The Composition

Know what the title means (is it a foreign term, dance, or form?).  Is it a selection from a larger work, and what can you say about that work?  Vocalists should know word for word translations of songs in a foreign language, as well as the poets or librettists of the chosen songs or arias.  Discuss the structure of each composition, including information about key areas and thematic material.  Be able to cite examples of how the composition demonstrates elements of a particular style period.

General Information

Listen to recordings of your pieces and be able to provide names of performers.  Know specific references you might consult to find out more information about your composition/composer ("online" is not a specific answer).  Be ready to answer questions from the faculty, but do not embellish facts if you do not have an answer.  It’s better to state that you did not discover a particular fact in your research, especially if you can name a source where the information might be found.


Speak with authority, loudly and clearly.  This is most easily done when you are confident about the information you are presenting.  Practice your oral presentation in studio class well before your jury.  Digest the information in such a way that you can deliver your oral presentation with the fewest possible references to your note card.