The Well-Being Clinics (WBC) teach students how to improve their mental health through mindfulness, more effective communication, regulating emotions, and managing distress. WBCs are held at 4 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays unless canceled by the instructor and are open to all students. See the schedule below for locations.

Date Well Being Clinic Location
Tuesday, January 28  Mindfulness  Johns First Floor Sunroom
Thursday, January 30 Relationships Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, February 4  Emotions    Johns First Floor Sunroom
Thursday, February 6 Distress   Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, February 11 Mindfulness    Johns First Floor Sunroom
Thursday, February 13 Relationships Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, February 18 Emotions   Johns First Floor Sunroom
Thursday, February 20 Distress Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, February 25 Mindfulness  Johns First Floor Sunroom 
Thursday, February 27 Relationships   Johns First Floor Sunroom
Tuesday, March 4    Emotions Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Thursday, March 6  Distress Johns First Floor Sunroom
March 11 and 13  Spring Break No Well-Being Classes
Tuesday, March 18  Mindfulness  Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Thursday, March 20 Relationships  Johns First Floor Sunroom
Tuesday, March 25 Emotions Stubbs Large Meeting Room 
Thursday, March 27  Distress  Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, April 1 Mindfulness Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, April 8   Relationships   Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, April 15 Emotions Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, April 22 Distress Stubbs Large Meeting Room
Tuesday, April 29 Mindfulness Stubbs Large Meeting Room

Directions to Johns First Floor Sunroom
For non-resident of Johns, please enter the Sunroom through the side door, not the main entrance.  Looking at Johns from Willet, the entrance is on the left-hand side of the building in the courtyard area.

Directions to Stubbs Large Meeting Room
For non-resident of Stubbs, please enter the Large Meeting Room through the side door, not the main entrance.  Looking at Stubbs from Lankford, the entrance is on the left-hand side of the building adjacent to West Redford St.