What do you need for your research project?
Apply for a grant to defer up to $500 for research expenses or travel, including
- Exhibit Supplies
- Performance Supplies
- Competition
- Conference Fees
- Membership Fees
- Software Services
- Subscription Services
- Laboratory Supplies
- Travel Expenses
Office of Student Research Student Grant Application, Spring 2025 (docx)
Office of Student Research Grant Application Evaluation Rubric, 2024-2025 (pdf)
Please use our Example Grant Application (pdf) as a guide for how to complete your proposal.
Students must be currently enrolled, full-time students in good academic standing.
- Student develops a question or is substantially involved in developing a research question
- Student conducts an inquiry or investigation using sources as evidence
- Student shares the results at Longwood University's Student Showcase, Graduate Symposium, or a similar presentation venue
- The maximum award is $500 for single researchers, $1000 for two co-researchers and $1500 for three co-researchers.
All funding from Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 rounds of funding must be spent during the 2024-2025 academic year.
You are strongly encouraged to seek assistance in completing the application from faculty mentors or the Office of Student Research.
However, please make sure that the student writes the application.
Submit an electronic copy of the completed Spring 2025 Application Packet to the Office of Student Research through email to osr@longwood.edu.
- Round 1 applications are due January 31, 2025 at 5 p.m.
- Round 2 applications are due February 28, 2025 at 5 p.m.
Additional rounds of funding will be available in Fall 2025.
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Application Review
The Advisory Committee for the Office of Student Research evaluates applications twice a semester based on
- The purpose of the project, its relationship to the student’s research interests and methods used for the research
- Explanation of how the student’s research relates to what others have said about the topic
- Explanation of what the student’s project brings to the scholarly conversation
- Explanation of how courses have prepared the student to undertake the project
- Explanation of how undertaking the research benefits the students
- Rationale for funding and itemized budget
- Faculty recommendation
- The ability of the student to fully fund the project if total budget exceeds the maximum award of $500.
Dr. Amorette Barber, Director, Office of Student Research at osr@longwood.edu.