Leadership Studies Courses

LDST120. Foun of Leadership Studies

This course is designed to introduce and engage students in the study of leadership. The course will explore the history, ideas, and theories of leadership, answer questions about leadership and the leadership process, and develop a basic vocabulary and portfolio of concepts and approaches that will prepare students to exercise leadership in service to society. 3 credits.

LDST201. Intro to Sports Leadership

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to examine different leadership skills and theories from the perspective of sports. These skills are also applicable to business and politics and are critical for success in the workplace. 3 credits.

LDST220. Leadership and Service

Discussion and understanding of theoretical leadership concepts is not sufficient; students must actively employ, reflect upon, and revise (when necessary) their leadership qualities, knowledge, and strategies. This course is a critical component of the Leadership Studies minor as it requires students to be actively engaged in the community - observing, critiquing, and exerting leadership. It is also essential for an institution that strives to create citizen leaders as it cultivates an understanding and appreciation for the concept of leader as servant. 3 credits.

LDST295. Special Topics in LDST

1-3 credits. Selected topics in Leadership Studies. Topics may vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit when topics change. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor. Corequisite(s): None.

LDST320. Leaders and Leadership

This interdisciplinary course will explore the question, Do individuals in leadership roles necessarily exhibit exemplary leadership? Through active involvement in this course, students will have the opportunity to explore and evaluate the legacy of both positional and non-positional leaders from several historical and grassroots/social movements. 3 credits.

LDST330. Entre, Creat, & Innov Citizen

Students in this course will look at how entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation science, and systems thinking can help them to identify, frame, and solve the challenges of the future. Students will be coached in choosing civic and global issues to analyze, define, and propose solutions to through multiple disciplinary lenses. Students in the course will develop ideas that can turn into real startups, nonprofits, and social innovations. Prerequisite: Completion of FHBS. 3 credits. WI.

LDST395. Special topics

Special Topics in Leadership Studies.

LDST420. Practicum in Leadership

This practicum provides students with the opportunity to apply the theoretical concepts and interdisciplinary perspectives and knowledge they have acquired in their leadership courses. They will select an organization/agency with which to work and will concentrate efforts on a designated program/project/issue. 1 credit.

LDST430. Applied Entrepreneurial Leader

Students in this course will work in teams to test and launch a business model for a venture of their choice.  The course will focus on personal and team leadership, systems thinking, project management, entrepreneurial effectuation, and applied technical business operating systems, to guide groups through the entrepreneurial process. Prerequisite: Junior standing or higher. 3 credits.